Wednesday, October 7, 2009

9 Reflection Questions

1) In writing this paper, i have learned actually to write a I-search. because i have never written one. In the ts/is book we went over, i learned different templates to use in writing.

2) I relate to this, in what i already know, because its done everything but not help me in writing better.

3)I can take what I'm learning and have learned, in becoming better in my writing skills.

4) As for applying what i have learned in this unit outside the classroom, I can not think of anything.

5) My highest point in writing this paper, was I found a lot of facts about their Baleen Whales eating habits, and felt I was doing good in doing my search.

6) My lowest points of writing this paper was trying to find the information for the topic I have, books and online mostly talked more about characteristics, different types of whales, and where they travel too. It got irritating finding my topic answer.

7) I encountered some obstacles from writing, when I was searching information, I kept finding the same information from different sites and books, all talking about the same thing. It was hard getting certain topics about eating habits.

8) I did not get to interview anyone about Baleen Whales, but i went to book stores, researched online, and read books to find more information.

9)I learned, about myself, that I do better when I am focused mainly on just one thing, because if i don't then i loose track on what I'm suppose to be doing. I found i love to listen to music when writing papers, I have no idea why but it helped a lot.

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